Friday, April 16, 2010

Delicious Earthlings

TRADITION and RELIGION have instilled NEGATIVE BELIEFS about NUDITY, SEX and MASTURBATION in the minds of most people.

But as a matter of fact, NUDITY, SEX and MASTURBATION are all normal and natural. As long as you're not causing any HARM to someone (e.g. RAPE) when doing them, they're all perfectly NORMAL and GOOD FOR US, scientifically speaking.

If you study HUMAN SEXUALITY like Psychologists, Anthropologists and Sexologists did (like I also did as a Psych graduate), you'll discover THE FACTS and THE TRUTH as opposed to MYTHS, LIES and BELIEFS proliferated by conventional, age-old traditions.

Since RELIGION preceeded SCIENCE, the authors of the so-called holy books did not know the FACTS about human sexuality because they didn't have the tools to do so, e.g. they couldn't do extensive experiments, interviews, research in different parts of the world unlike scientists who came up with the FACTS thanks to the tried-and-tested methodology, i.e. the SCIENTIFIC METHOD).

Currently, it's appaling how EDUCATION about Human Sexuality (HS) is still not included in most school's curriculum especially in conservative countries in the Middle East, Asia, South America, Africa and n conservative states and provinces in North America (e.g. Mormon states) and Europe. The only facet of HS that's currently included in schools' curriculum is Sex and Reproduction. More important HS subjests such as Gender & Sexual Orientation, Safer Sex, Masturbation and Sexual Arousal / Orgasm are not scientifically discussed at length in many schools and universities, most especially in religious, conservative ones. Consequently, many people around the world are still MISINFORMED and MISEDUCATED about it. So if you are still ignorant about the FACTS about this and still feel GUILT when doing harmless sexual acts, it's a result of CULTURAL CONDITIONING which is NOT your fault. But if you continue to be ignorant about it and choose not to find out about the TRUTH , then you can blame yourself.

Masturbation, for instance, deemed to be sinful by most religions is, in FACT, normal and healthy. It's good for your over-all health and well-being You can even google it or look it up in any scientific journal or in any encylopedias like wikipedia and you'll find out the HARD FACTS about it.

And whether you are a guy or a girl, it's completely normal to get turned on by FEMALE or MALE NUDITY and SEX. So whether you masturbate fantasizing about MEN or WOMEN, you are normal regardless of your gender. You can read any SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL such as GOOGLE 'Just the FACTS about Sexual Orientation' by American Psychological Association (APA) and find out that HOMOSEXUALITY and BISEXUALITY are both as NORMAL as HETEROSEXUALITY. HOMOSEXUALITY and BISEXUALITY are NOT mental illnesses or emotional/spiritual diseases that need to be cured/converted to HETEROSEXUALITY just like what some religions claim them to be.

Come to think of it, masturbation and same-sex behavior/activity LESSENS population growth (=less intances of pregnancy, less risk of acquiring STDS such as HIV in girls [lesbian sex do not involve penile penetration) which is one of the ROOT-cause of POVERTY. Just imagine if all the closeted and repressed bisexuals, gays and lesbians came to terms with their sexuality (THERE ARE SO MANY)
, this would definitely be a better world for all and not just for heterosexuals.

ADULT FILMS / PORN promotes masturbation and alternative sexual activities which, as mentioned above, help a lot in lessening population growth. Thus, EDUCATION ABOUT HUMAN SEXUALITY will help a lot in solving the BIGGEST PROBLEM IN THE WORLD - Poverty.

With regards nudity, people around the world are gradually realizing the FACT that there's nothing wrong about NUDITY, per se. As a result, there have been more and more nudity in movies not only in Hollywood but also in other parts of the planet. Come to think of it, we are all born completely nude, right?

So, without further ado, let's celebrate STARS (= celebs) with HEAVENLY BODIES from different parts of the world in their birthday suits!

P.S. if you're not sure of your sexual orientation, visit and take the SEXUAL ORIENTATION TEST (start with the 1st post)

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